Minimum 16 months, typically 18 months duration.
Sustained period of training covering the modules selected from the standard.
Training following the curriculum set out by the international institute of welding.
Achievement of English and Maths level 1.
Taken test for English and Maths level 2.
Completed training as required in the standard.
Employer satisfied that the apprentice is consistently working at or above the required level of occupational competence.
Level 1 in English and Maths achieved and taken the tests at level 2.
Employer, training provider and EPOA agree EPA process including relevant modules.
Employer to supply WPS's for test pieces identified in standards modules.
Two test pieces welded and tested to the required standard.
Duration of the practical test to reflect expected industrial practice.
Oral questioning relating to production activities to take place during the skills assessment.
Oral questioning to assess the required behaviours.
Conducted under exam conditions.
Based on the curriculum set out by the International Institute of Welding.
Module A, basic welding equipment and processes includes carbon and low alloy steels.
Welding process specific: dependant on process selection for skills test.
Materials specific: dependant on material selection for skills test.
All knowledge tests must achieve a minimum of 60%.
Assessed during 30 minute professional discussion.
Questions to cover the following subjects. Application of knowledge learned during apprenticeship.
Role of the welder in industry.
Application of knowledge learnt during the apprenticeship.
Professional behaviours.
Skills, knowledge test and professional discussion must be passed to achieve EPA.
Final grade awarded:
Fail less than 60% in any section
Pass, all sections with an overall mark of 60 to 87.4%
Merit, all sections with an overall mark of 87.5% or higher
Results released following internal quality assurance
Results released following internal quality assurance.
Certification applied for from the ESFA and forwarded to the employer.
All knowledge tests must achieve a minimum of 60%.